This project began after I has acquired a beautiful antique Red Kimono from one of my medical associated Dr. Stuart Hodosh an avid collector of Mexican Silver, Navaho Weavings and whos wife had a sterling collection of quilts. Stuart actually, as well as being a superb vascular surgeon developed into an artis himself making art pieces from “found object”. After I had obtained the Red Kimono I purchased a beautiful White and Gold Kimono from a Japanese Kimono Shop in Downtown LA. Rather than just hanging the Kimonos, I subsequently cohered one of my friends to model the kimonos for a series of photographic images. I hired a makeup artist and hair stylist and began the project.
I had my photographic studio at the Downtown Brewery but I elected to work with a close neighbor, superb photographer and friend Charles Imstepf and my photographic assistant Rick Dones.
The initial series was photographed with a Hasselblad and digital back. The images were retouched and printed by Konstantin Golovchinsky with my supervision. The final 4 images were printed on an HP printer 24” X 47” on Epson Roll paper. Subsequent smaller prints were made available fin limited editions.